Today is “Someday We’ll Laugh About This” Day

When I realize that I posted only 3 entries to my Kentucky blog in 2013, and 3 entries in 2013–I said aloud, “How could I have done such a thing!”  Maybe “someday I’ll laugh about this”–just not today.

Of all the places in this great country of ours, I love to drive through and around Kentucky. And I am still looking for a good one volume history of Kentucky

Until then, check out this link to a beautifully scanned History of Kentucky (1885) available on the internet.  This is one of those histories that includes the names of people–lots of names–and what they did.  The kind genealogists like to find–and to find it online makes it especially convenient.  Your favorite Kentucky genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS  I hope to get back to Kentucky again this year to research at the Kentucky Historical Society and to participate first-hand in the celebration of our Great War for equality as experienced in 1864.  Stay tuned!

PPS  And if you need research completed in Kentucky, let me know.  I’ll be happy to add your project to my list.

About Arlene Eakle

I trace your family tree; or, teach you how.
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